Three years ago I decided to create a separate Twitter account for all my sports video game ranting. I also decided to make sure the name I used also had a domain available, just in case I wanted to do something else. That was the start of @ThatSportsGamer and
Initially this site was just going to be a blog. At the time I never expected to do much more than some random posts up here. Three years later, and we’ve done almost 100 episodes of ThatSportsGamer Show. recently launched a second podcast, ThatSportsGamer’s Retro Roundtable with Rich Grisham and Greg Sewart, a monthly podcast where we focus each episode on one game from the past. I’ve also started streaming games, and uploading video content to YouTube.
As for the future, I’m really looking forward to the 100th episode of ThatSportsGamer Show. The plan for it currently is to record and stream it up at the studio in Boston during PAX East and have a little party for it. This fall I would like to put together another weekly podcast focused on Madden Ultimate Team. Since first getting into the mode with the Xbox 360 version of Madden NFL25, I’ve been shown a lot of love from the community. Hopefully putting out a podcast about the mode that has so many people heavily invested can be a little way of giving back to that community that has taken me in with open arms.
This would all be worthless without you. Every day the people that respond to my tweets, comment on the videos and chat in my stream keep this fun for me. I really appreciate you all being there.
Most importantly I need to thank my wife, Erika. Without her support none of this would exist. She’s always pushing me to do more stuff and be better. I know the late nights piss her off sometimes, but she knows I love it, almost as much as I love her.
With the help of you all, 2014 is going to be the biggest year to date for ThatSportsGamer. Thank you all very much.