Gotta Catch ‘Em All

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Over the last few years, one of my main goals in MLB The Show’s Diamond Dynasty has been to unlock all the player cards. I’m not even sure that is possible in any other console sports card collecting mode, but in MLB The Show it is. I’ve been close before, but this year was the year I finally did it.

In ’21, I ended up fifty-six cards short of the complete collection, which made me believe it was possible. I went into ’22 with the mission to collect all the player cards but got derailed by a weird issue. One of the player cards was only in the game for a very short time.

Alexander Vizcaino of the Cubs seemingly fell off the face of the earth. After throwing 13 2/3 innings with the South Bend Cubs in ’21, Vizcaino just chose not to show up to Spring Training in ’22. I believe his card was in Diamond Dynasty at launch but pulled from packs when he was moved onto the Restricted List, and his card was also removed from packs.

MLB The Show 23 was a huge setback in my quest. At the end of the year, I was eighty-one cards away.

The stars aligned for me with MLB The Show 24. I don’t know if it was rededication to the process after failing miserably in ’23, or the extreme help of Showzone‘s Collection Tracker, but this year I was able to accomplish my goal.

Now I’m ready to do it again in MLB The Show 25…